I for one am offended by the tone this discussion has taken.

Chad has expressed his opinion and his view on how he believes Interex
should be run. Whether I agree or disagree with him is not relevant. I
appreciate him expressing his opinion.

Cortlandt seems to have taken Chad's position statement personally. It
would seem to me that a more appropriate response from Cortlandt would
be for her to issue her own vision statement for her candidacy. By the
tenor of her response, "As a well educated [sic], white, American male
perhaps I should thank you for this direct experience of raw, naked
prejudice," she diminishes her argument.

This is INTEREX for gosh sake not US Politics! Can we keep the
discussion professional!?

I do respect everyone willing to run for an Interex position. It
requires additional work for anyone elected.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cortlandt Wilson [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 1997 4:59 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Warning: INTEREX Board Candidate
> Chad Gilles <[log in to unmask]> wrote in article
> <[log in to unmask]>...
> >
> > I will try to keep this short,
> >
> > I am running for the INTEREX Board of Directors. >
> > A short note about why I am running,
> > <snip>
> > Most importantly, I feel users groups (including INTEREX) should be
> run
> > by users, not consultants or HP. (I have nothing against HP or
> > consultants, but I feel they should not have a dominance in running
> an
> > indpendent users group)
>    <snip>
> Chad,
> You seem to assume that running a user group is equivalent to
> 'dominance'.
>  As INTEREX is dominated by 'ordinary' users rather than by
> consultants and
> all leadership positions are democratically elected how is such
> dominance
> achieved?
> How is 'dominance' by consultants worse that dominance by any other
> special
> interest group or individual with a agenda?   What evidence can you
> point
> to that this is a particular problem?   To the contrary, a number of
> the
> SIG leaders are consultants and to my knowledge they do a fine job.
> How do you define a 'user'?    As a consultant or contract programmer
> how
> am I less a HP computer user than anyone else?    If my consulting
> company
> owns a HP computer am I a user?   A great many INTEREX members are not
> the
> owners of the HP computer that they use.   What ensures that such
> members
> speak for the interests of the equipment owners?
>  As a IT staff member I received a paycheck directly from my employer.
> As
> a consultant I now invoice my client and legally am paid by my
> company.
> How does this difference in the legal method of payment for my
> services
> make my opinion less valuable?
> Gee, can SIG Consult be run by consultants?
> ------------------------------------------------
> As a well educated, white, American male  perhaps I should thank you
> for
> this direct experience of raw, naked prejudice.
> - Cortlandt Wilson
>   Cortlandt Software