Chad Gilles <[log in to unmask]> wrote in article
<[log in to unmask]>...
> I will try to keep this short,
> I am running for the INTEREX Board of Directors. >
> A short note about why I am running,
> <snip>
> Most importantly, I feel users groups (including INTEREX) should be run
> by users, not consultants or HP. (I have nothing against HP or
> consultants, but I feel they should not have a dominance in running an
> indpendent users group)


You seem to assume that running a user group is equivalent to 'dominance'.
 As INTEREX is dominated by 'ordinary' users rather than by consultants and
all leadership positions are democratically elected how is such dominance

How is 'dominance' by consultants worse that dominance by any other special
interest group or individual with a agenda?   What evidence can you point
to that this is a particular problem?   To the contrary, a number of the
SIG leaders are consultants and to my knowledge they do a fine job.

How do you define a 'user'?    As a consultant or contract programmer how
am I less a HP computer user than anyone else?    If my consulting company
owns a HP computer am I a user?   A great many INTEREX members are not the
owners of the HP computer that they use.   What ensures that such members
speak for the interests of the equipment owners?

 As a IT staff member I received a paycheck directly from my employer.   As
a consultant I now invoice my client and legally am paid by my company.
How does this difference in the legal method of payment for my services
make my opinion less valuable?

Gee, can SIG Consult be run by consultants?

As a well educated, white, American male  perhaps I should thank you for
this direct experience of raw, naked prejudice.

- Cortlandt Wilson
  Cortlandt Software