thanks for the reply. I simply removed the fmultijob option and
everything works ok now. This option was not necessary.

Thanks. Greg Fudala. Circuit City Stores
Greg [log in to unmask]

On Sun, 7 Sep 1997 23:20:01 -0400, John Korb <[log in to unmask]>

>Opening a file in GMULTI mode means that ALL accessors of the file SHARE
>ONE FILE POINTER.  Thus, locking is very important, as is making sure that
>you position the file pointer before reading or writing.  A customer of
>mine (US Navy) uses GMULTI quite a bit, particularly when "sharing" data
>structures between multiple jobs/sessions.
>When accessing files in GMULTI mode, always:
>   1) enclose your file operations within FLOCK, FUNLOCK
>   2) use FPOINT and then FREAD or FWRITE, or use FREADDIR, FWRITEDIR
>   3) assume that the file pointer is somewhere other than where you want it
>GMULTI has some really neat applications, if you are careful.  It also has
>some really odd behavior at times.
>At 03:25 PM 97/09/05 GMT, GF wrote:
>>We have this program FINDSTR (a great program btw ... get it from the
>>CSL) which searches for strings in a file. Well this one file would
>>return an error:
>>Dynamic LOCKING was specified on a previous OPEN of this file, and
>>LOCKING was not specified on this call to HPFOPEN.  (FILE OPEN ERROR
>>File System message 430
>>So I went in to the source and added code to open the file with the
>>dynamic locking option set on and multijob access on. The Fopen now
>>returns success.
>>However, the FREAD is then failing on this file. It's returning:
>>Why??  So after some experimentation I determined if I add an FPOINT
>>before each FREAD (FPOINT to rec 1,2,3 ....) then the FREAD succeeds.
>>So why for files of this type do you have to FPOINT to each record
>>before the FREAD? Anyone know? Is there a "correct" way to get this to
>>Thanks. Greg Fudala. Circuit City Stores
>>Greg [log in to unmask]
>John Korb                            email: [log in to unmask]
>Innovative Software Solutions, Inc.
>The thoughts, comments, and opinions expressed herein are mine
>and do not reflect those of my employer(s), or anyone else.