On Wed, 27 Aug 1997 18:31:44 +0200, Reiner Hutsch
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>i have some difficulties with perl 5.003. i used it before without
>problems. But since a few days i receive the following error message:

>shell/iX:/SYS/PUB> perl -v
> =
>**** EXEC FUNCTION FAILED; subsys =3D517; info =3D 48 =
>ABORT: /perl/perl =
>NM SYS   a.00a82288 dbg_abort_trace+$24
>NM UNKN  159.0033ef6c =
>NM UNKN  884.0004bbd8 =


>May be that i purged some file (but i reinstalled PERL in the meantime).
>Does anybody know, which program PERL is going to EXEC?

As far as I know perl doesn't exec another program, the problem is
probably in your perl e xecutable. Did you reinstall perl by
recompiling/linking? if so it's possible you forgot to link in some
objectfiles, of which you won't get any notice until you try to run

Hope this helps.