Hi Friedrich,
    Ok,  So just where does Asia start and Europe Stop??? hehehe :)

 Art "Couldn't resist " Bahrs

>>> Friedrich Harasleben <[log in to unmask]> 09/02/97 08:07am >>>
Art Bahrs wrote:
> Hi Friedrich,
>     Um... I might consider it if I even knew which continent 'Boeblingen' was
> on... let alone what country??? hehehe

Art, you did not read the subject line - European events always take
place in Europe, although this does not say anything about the country.

Friedrich "Geographically Inexact European" Harasleben

> Art "Geographically Challenged American" Bahrs
> P.S. I do know where Hokaido, Japan and Panama are ... Been There hehehe
> >>> Friedrich Harasleben <[log in to unmask]> 08/29/97 07:28am >>>
> Hi,
> is anyone lurking on this list going to the 'HP3000 European Technology
> Forum' in Boeblingen on Sept. 24?
> Friedrich