Hi All,
    I agree with Carl... Concerning LP as LDev 6...

    I tried doing away with it... we have all our printers hooked up as serial
printers...Wierd things started happening :(   Not with MPE/iX (then version 4.0
was running) but with third party software that was hard coded to send things to
LDev 6 for printing ... So I put it back in :)

Art "Is it Monday or Tuesday?" Bahrs

>>> "Carl E. Ruth II" <[log in to unmask]> 08/21/97 06:55am >>>
On Fri, 15 Aug 1997 10:37:45 -0400, Jim Phillips
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>We have two HP-IB printers that we are converting to serial interfaces.
>I have the serial interface boards.  Is there anything special I need
>to know before I install them?
Over the years we have convert quite a few HP2563's and 64 to serial
configuration with no problems.

>What about configuring them on DTC ports?
Ours are configured as standard HP serial printers on the DTC [term
type 22, 24 or 26.  One thing to remember is that if your reports are
set up for perforation skip off, it is likely you will need to use
TERM type 18.  Yes I know 18 is for none HP printers, but the
difference is not that much.
>classes for them? (one is LP and the other is LP2)

You can but why waste the effort.

>driver should I use? (One is an HP 2563B
termtype 22,24, 26 or 18

>DataProducts LM615
I am not as familier with this unit but I would think that if you
currently drive it with 2563b drivers under hb-ib then the serial term
types would stay the same

>Here's the SYSGEN listing I'm using now:
Don't forget that most HP's have to have a ldev 6 [lp] to function.
Without knowing what type of system you have I would recommend leaving
ldev 6 as is and adding new printer ports on a DTC to handle the
converted units.

To install the cards is nothing more than a card swap and configuring
config 20-23 for serial interface.