In article <[log in to unmask]>, Mark Wilkinson
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>What about us poor souls in far-flung lands (ie not in the USA) who would
>love to go to these things?
>There's only one thing stopping us - about 3000 miles of Ocean
>(oh and the cost of a $1500 plane ticket!)
>What about, say, having one of these things over here in Europe
>somewhere..preferrably in London. We have some great exhibition centers
>that would be ideal (Earl's Court springs to mind or even the Birmingham
>Then the people *this* side of the pond would be able to get our pictures
>taken for posterity <gg>
>Mark Wilkinson
>[log in to unmask]
>[log in to unmask]

So you missed the HP User 97 show? Hammersmith Novotel? 17-18th June?

Hot damn, and you might have bought our software.....

..and could even have had your picture in the next HP User magazine too!
Roy Brown               Phone : (01684) 291710     Fax : (01684) 291712
Affirm Ltd              Email : [log in to unmask]
The Great Barn, Mill St 'Have nothing on your systems that you do not
TEWKESBURY GL20 5SB (UK) know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.'