<<I agree with Denys.  Adager's DETPACK (Detail Repack) doesn't lose
chronology ... it was the first detail repacking tool available, and all
modes of running it (Serial, Chained, and SuperChained) retain the
chronology of entries on any and all chains.>>

I'm a little confused by these responses. We seem to have a number of
people "riding to the rescue" to save the reputation of one database
utility or another, apparently to "defend" it from some putative attack.
Looking back over the thread, I don't see where any claims were made by
anyone that any specific tool does or does not preserve the chronological
sequence of chains on a sort/pack operation. What *was* said is that the
only "guaranteed" way to preserve the chronological sequence of a chain
under all legitimate modification scenarios is to put a sort on the
