From:   Mark Wilkinson [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]

What about us poor souls in far-flung lands (ie not in the USA) who would
love to go to these things?

There's only one thing stopping us - about 3000 miles of Ocean
(oh and the cost of a $1500 plane ticket!)

What about, say, having one of these things over here in Europe
somewhere..preferrably in London. We have some great exhibition centers
that would be ideal (Earl's Court springs to mind or even the Birmingham

Then the people *this* side of the pond would be able to get our pictures
taken for posterity <gg>

Mark Wilkinson

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[Dave Gale]  There was a show last year called Midnight Lights. This was
held on a cruise ship and was quite a deal (wish I could have gone).

Seems there is a little problem in Europe with attendance to these shows. I
don't pretend to understand, but the result is the HPIUG was having trouble
with the conference.