Gary L. Biggs <[log in to unmask]> wrote in article
<[log in to unmask]>...
> In a couple of weeks, I will need to set one of these up
> for a new customer of ours. I've never done one of these multi-bin
> printers. If anyone has any advice on configuration and use or would care
> share their NPCONFIG files, I would appreciate the help.
> Gary L. Biggs, N5TTO
> [log in to unmask]
> Interex SIG Allbase Chair
> "Abandon all hope, Ye who Inter(net) here" --
> Dante, over the portal(router) to Hell
We installed 2 5Si Mx's a couple of months ago. (BTW They are great!)
We finally ended up using a 3rd party package for ENV files and such.
(I believe from Unison Tymlabs)

If there is a cleaner solution, I would like to see it too.
