In article <H00000660019e588@MHS>, Gavin Scott <[log in to unmask]>
>Jim writes:
>> So, in answer to my question about drive reliablity, I have to say
>> I'm not impressed so far with SeaGate drives.  Two out of three drives
>> failing within 24 hours is a pretty poor showing.
>Is there a chance that the original "failure" of the first drive was
>actually the failure of third one which screwed the SCSI bus up badly
>enough that it *looked* like the first drive had failed?
Measure those SCSI cables. There's a limit of 50(?) feet, or some such.
We had a client exceed it, and his DAT drive started giving the weirdest
errors - bad writes, bad reads, detectable and undetectable. They
finally nailed it on the *third* DAT drive swapout.

But not before it had turned what should have been a straightforward
4-hour MM3000 upgrade into a 30-hour marathon.... :-(
Roy Brown               Phone : (01684) 291710     Fax : (01684) 291712
Affirm Ltd              Email : [log in to unmask]
The Great Barn, Mill St 'Have nothing on your systems that you do not
TEWKESBURY GL20 5SB (UK) know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.'