Colin Freas wrote in article ...

>I restored a group of reports from a backup tape that had been deleted off
>of the spool erroneously.
>When I restored them, I couldn't restore them directly to
><file>.out.hpspool, so I put them into my home group and account.  I used
>PRINT to get them out to the spool, but when I actually printed them, they
>had lost some formatting on the way, specifically page breaks.
>My questions then are basically:  is any file in out.hpspool automatically
>on the spooler?  If so, how do I copy files to it?  If not, how can I
>place an arbitrary file directly onto the spool?
>Advice appreciated in advance.

Use this command sequence  to restore spool files:
file t;dev=tape
restore *t; O0123.out.hpspool

Don't use olddate or any other restore options.  MPE will assign a new OFID
to the file that you restored.