********** H E L P ******

Our HP957 is currently down due the system clock showing 1991-10-18.
We had a scheduled power down over and when the HP came up, the date
appeared to be correct, as does a :Showtime or login.
When we run Speedware V7, the $DATE returns the 1991-10-18 and a time
of 4:00.

Is this a Speedware problem, (I have a call in to them) or is there
another clock setting on the HP I'm not aware of?

Thanks in advance.

Edward Effinger
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Conestoga College of Applied Arts & Technology
299 Doon Valley Drive
Kitchener,  Ontario,  Canada  N2G 4M4
Tel  : 519-748-5220 Ext. 379
Voice: 519-748-5220 Ext. 379
Fax  : 519-748-3505
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