Mark Bixby ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Bieber writes:
: >
: > I need a primer on FTP'ing files to my 3000.  I am trying to download
: > the module and can never get the file setup correctly.

: Since is coming from a Unix system (and expects to exist in a POSIX
: environment), you must use bytestream mode, i.e.:

: ftp> open
: ftp> bytestream
: ftp> get ./
: --
You can also put a bytestream file to a 3000 by using the tenex mode.
Bytestream is not a supported mode on other systems. The following is
an HP-UX example:

$ ftp
ftp> open hp3k
Connected to hp3k.
220 HP ARPA FTP Server [A0008006] (C) Hewlett-Packard Co. 1990
Name (hp3k:bbennett): bill.bennett
230 User logged on
Remote system type is MPE/iX.
ftp> tenex
200 Type set to L (byte size 8).
ftp> put ./bill
200 PORT command ok.
150 File: ./bill opened; data connection will be opened
226 Transfer complete.
10125 bytes sent in 0.03 seconds (354.84 Kbytes/s)
ftp> ls ./bill
200 PORT command ok.
150 File: LISTFILE ./bill,2 opened; data connection will be opened

  CODE  ------------LOGICAL RECORD-----------  ----SPACE----  FILENAME
           SIZE  TYP        EOF      LIMIT R/B  SECTORS #X MX

                      1B  BA       10125   16384000   1       48  1 32  bill

226 Transfer complete.
ftp> bye
221 Server is closing command connection

Bill Bennett                                            [log in to unmask]
Hewlett Packard Company
Commercial Systems Division