James Trudeau, following Jim Phillips writes:


From:   Jim Phillips
Sent:   Saturday, August 02, 1997 9:26 AM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Re: I was wondering...

On Fri, 1 Aug 1997 17:14:03 GMT, "C.Patterson" <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>I was wondering if anybody could help...
>My fiancee and I want to visit her parents before
>our wedding.
>However, the cheapest trip we can find is still well
>beyond our financial means...
>If you can offer any help, it would be greatly
>Much thanks,

Yeah, here's a little tip:  GET A REAL JOB!

Jim Phillips
[log in to unmask]


Guess I'm not the only one getting a bit surly on the list.

In fun Jim, I always enjoy your posts.


In the annals of SPAM and reactions thereto, this post has probably moved to
the head of the pack. If you have the time, sign onto:


and type in the search phrase:

     I was wondering

You will find approximately 90,000 posts that this bit of spam has generated
-- all of it essentially saying the same thing: "Sell your computer, assh*le,
and get a real job!!!!"

Clint Patterson, if that is his real name, posted his plea to every
 newsgroup in existence, both usenet and private newsgroups -- and possibly
to more than that, if he could get onto private lists.

With my help and this posting, the total number of postings on this subject
has now risen to 90,001.

Wirt Atmar