I also remember reading that the French (maybe Denys will verify) also had a
base-20 numbering system. The article provided as proof the fact that the
words for 40, 60, 80... are two-twenties, three-twenties, four-twenties...


Paul H. Christidis

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Numbering conventions (was Re: Calendar redux)
Author:  [log in to unmask] at CCGATE
Date:    07/28/97 04:52 AM

Hi all !

I remember reading that the Maya (or some other Native American people ?) had
a base-20 numbering scheme, using points and dashes to write numbers. In
fact, it was more a 4 * 5 system. I do not really remember the specifics,
just that it kind of was base-20 .

Now, we have some "magic" numbers. 12 is one of them : the 12 tribes of
Israel, 12 months of the year, the 12 cylinders on a Ferrari engine ... 7 is
another one : 7 deadly sins, 7 days of the week ...

Any other suggestions ?
