On Thu, 3 Jul 1997 17:28:00 +0000, Terry SIMPKINS asked:
|Does anyone have a quick & easy (easily readable) way to see the disc space
|status (like discfree) by volume set?
|What I would really like to have is the discfree C or E format by volume

Here are a couple of command files which make this easy
(and save me having to type "sysvs" ;):
USER DEFINED COMMAND FILE:  BDF  (ala HP-UX's bdf command)

parm mode=c;ldev="";volset="mpexl_system_volume_set"
xeq discfree.pub.sys "!mode,!ldev,!volset"

parm volset="mpexl_system_volume_set"
xeq discfree.pub.sys "e,,!volset"

I think the vsname feature of DISCFREE was added in MPE 5.0.
Jeff Woods
[log in to unmask] at Unison Software
[log in to unmask]   at home  [PGP key available here via finger]

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