Hi, Gilles.

On Tue, 24 Jun 1997 19:28:51 -0400, Gilles Schipper wrote:
|A few questions come to mind:
|Assuming I am a user of either TurboSTORE/iX II or 7x24,
|What happens after July 15?  Will the aforementioned restore and
|appropriate copy procedure not correct the problem - even after July 15?

After reading the 5.5 Express-2 Communicator, I had many of the same
questions.  I did some testing....  I found that changing the system date
beyond July 15 had NO EFFECT... even after rebooting with RS and START
NORECOVERY!  (I tested using each of July 14/15/16, 1997 and 12/31/99.
In each case, I used CLKUTIL to change the date at the ISL prompt and
confirmed the time with :SHOWCLOCK and SHOWCLKS.PUBXL.TELESUP after
booting.)  However, deleting the file STOREXL.PUB.SYS removes TurboSTORE
functionality from the system.  Vanilla STORE still seems to work fine.

|What is MPEJXD4 patch and why should I care?

Sorry... I don't know.  My best guess is that the patch may fix HP's error
by deleting STOREXL.PUB.SYS from your system.  Perhaps on Express-2 they
ship another STOREXL.PUB.SYS to replace the one from the initial 5.5
release, except the new one has an expiration date.  All this is pure
speculation on my part, trying to make sense of the information published
by HP in light of what I have seen in a feq quick tests.  I could be
completely off base, however, so don't take my info on this one as gospel.

|What is F09 STORE functionality? Can I assume that to mean standard or
|default or "vanilla" functionality?

That's what I understand it to mean, though I don't see what would make
STOREXL.PUB.SYS to stop working.

|Why am I creating the USL group, rather than UXL group? Can I assume the
|files being restored are indeed XL files and therefore require no further
|action other than the aforementioned restore and copy steps? If I make that
|assumption, I am puzzled by the USL group.

Who knows... Somebody's whim?

|Thanks in advance for any and all answers.

You're welcome, for what little I know about it anyway.  :)
Jeff Woods
[log in to unmask] at Unison Software
[log in to unmask]   at home  [PGP key available here via finger]

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