Holger Wiemann said:

1) logon as manager.sys,pub
2) :editor
HP32201A.09.00 EDIT/3000 THU, JUN 19, 1997,  5:06 PM
    1     start norecovery@#
    2     //
/cq "@" to '13 in all
/cq "#" to '10 in all
/k autoboot.pub.sys;e
3) sysgen, sysfile
   aauto file=autoboot.pub.sys type=disc
   hold, exit, keep config.sys
4) now create a new CSLT with the tape command within sysgen
5) update from this tape


Additional question:

Will this work with additional "START" parameters?  What if I wanted to
add: ... LOGIN=MGR,MANAGER.SYS?  Can I simply insert it between the
"norecovery" and the carriage return?  Will it work?  Will the line be too

Tracy Johnson