Wirt Atmar <[log in to unmask]> wrote :
>For those of you who doubt the profound recovery that the HP3000 has made
>since Boston six years ago, let me direct your attention to the following web
>     http://www.graystire.com/firestone/specs/hp3000.html
>and you can get a fairly precise measure of the current base of the HP3000.

Mmmm......well it's an interesting new design. I particularly liked the "Groove
stress relief siping to help minimize irregular wear" and the
"See-through grooves for smooth rib wear patterns"  and especially the "Molded
body contour" .
This is certainly an interesting "user friendly" design for the future.  Easy
to move and shockproof too ! It's been a Good Year for the HP3000.

John Dunlop