>Is it reasonable to require that printers that print PostScript output be
>configured as a separate LDEV, and that data_intray be defaulted for those
>printers?  (If the default is used, no escape sequence is sent).  Remember,
>LDEV numbers are reasonably cheap, and the same physical network printer can
>be configured as any number of LDEVs.  If so, we can move the tray selection
>to follow setup_file processing.
>Other suggestions?
You know what would be nifty.  For any setup commands in the NPCONFIG
file you could have a "PRE" or "POST" Option.  Something like:

     data_intray=3,pre or data_intray=3,post

Ok, I know its work.  I would vote for the setup commands to be after
the ENV file has been sent.

Mel Rees