Try SYSINFO.PRVXL.TELESUP and use the CLASS command


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Subject: tool for listing SYSGEN *and* NMMGR ldevs/classes?
Author:  [log in to unmask] at CCGATE
Date:    06/03/97 05:44 PM

Is there any tool that will list all LDEVs and their device classes?  The
listing must include both SYSGEN *and* NMMGR devices.

A programmer has asked for a listing of all printer LDEVs and classes.  I
was hoping not to have generate a SYSGEN listing then generate a NMMGR listing
then merge the two.....
Mark Bixby                      E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Coast Community College Dist.   Web:
District Information Services   1370 Adams Ave, Costa Mesa, CA, USA 92626-5429
Technical Support               +1 714 438-4647
"You can tune a file system, but you can't tune a fish." - tunefs(1M)