Hello Friends,

Re: FTP Message files...

The FTP Enhancements have passed Alpha Testing, (Thanks to a few good
customers who did their best to break it on MPE/iX 5.0) and we are now
prepared for Beta Testing and delivery as General Release on MPE/iX 5.5,
(Power Patch - Express Release 3) some time in August.

The Enhancements:

SR: 1653-118646
Enhancement for RIO file transfer capability.
SR: 5000-643163
Enhancement for KSAM (CM and NM) transfer capability.
SR: 5003-089094
Enhancement for PRIV code file tarnsfer capability.
SR: 5003-194456
Enhancement for Message file transfer capability.
SR: 5003-210666
Enhancement to provide the HASH command.
SR: 4701-324616
Added functionality for non standard file types and timeout cap.

We are now looking for a few additional customers who are interested in
Beta Testing this functionality on 5.5 (Specifically if you can test the
new file transfer functionality between two 5.5 systems with the
enhancements installed).

If you are interested in beta testing these new features in FTP (5.5
release only), please contact me via email ([log in to unmask]).


James Hofmeister
[log in to unmask]
Hewlett Packard
Worldwide Technology Network Expert Center
P.S. My Ideals are my own, not necessarily my employers.