
I receive this via Email a few days ago.    It appears that HP does offer
something like the Microsoft software program  . . . except . . .

      HP Partnership
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Software   Provider   Program

A quarterly newsletter serving the
Hewlett Packard Software developer community
---Vol. 1, No. 1 -- May 9, 1997-------------------------------------


* HP Partnership Software Showcase Program
Have you ever had the need to try HP software?  Has there been
a situation where you needed HP software, like HP C/Ansi C,
HP hardware device drivers, or Perfview performance tools just
on a temporary basis but you had to call 10 different people
at Hewlett Packard just to get a copy?
  If this is something you go through frequently, then we have the
perfect solution. The Program is called the "Developers
Software Showcase Program". The Program is a subscription service
that includes approximately 80% of HP middleware software
as well as software from some of our third party partners.  For
an annual subscription price of $492 for either the server or
workstation version ($576 for both), you get almost all of HP's
application and development tools. The subscription includes up
to 6 updates a year, ensuring that you will always have the latest
  In addition, we have included a limited number of Response
Centre support* calls with this product.

The Program will be available soon (look for it to be out sometime
in mid May. Look in your U.S. Postal mailbox for the latest
signup information.

* Limited to installation assistance only. All software in the
Program is licensed for trial use only.

My COMMENTS:   From the articles it appears that this
newsletter applies only to HP/UX developers.
Of course . . .



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