In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:

> How about PPP (Point to Point Protocol) -for
> connectivity through dialup lines -  ported to the MPE ?

Geee, if anyone could get *that* working with existing hardware, I would
give them a standing ovation.

PPP uses null-terminated (and other very odd) packet transfers, as well as
some tricky network routing tricks. I would think at a minimum it'd require
rewritten low-level code in a DTC. PPP logins have their own ids and passwords
as well, which would need to be maintained somewhere (not necessarily the
3000 since PPP access devices connect you to the NETWORK not just a particular

Doing PPP on an actual 3000 would require the 3000 to be able to do some fancy
packet (IP) routing it's not currently capable of (as far as I've been able to

Chris "been there...thought about it.. then gave up on it" Bartram