On Tuesday, April 29, 1997 11:25 AM, Ron Seybold wrote:
> Phil Esguerra noted that he didn't think "the 100-VG ANYLAN from
> Hewlett-Packard will be available EVER" If it was true, this would be a
> shift in HP's announced plans for high speed access to its 3000s. Last we
> heard (HP World, August 1996) CSY said it will be supporting both AnyLAN
> well as 100-Base-T, the Ethernet-based alternative, for the HP 3000. HP
> makes hardware for both links, and last time we checked, is planning on
> supporting both. But we'll check again.
I'm sure Ron will get all the details, but my understanding is that these
plans have *not* changed, and CSY will be releasing both 100-VG ANYlan as
well as 100-Base-T.