Hi Curt,
    I just finished installing a Boca 33.6 kb home fax modem... will let you
know if the break key works ;)

Art Bahrs

>>> Curt Brimacomb <[log in to unmask]> 04/23/97 11:20am >>>

For those of you who want to be able to use the break key when dialing =
into a HP3000, I have the following update to an e-mail I sent here =
about 3 weeks ago.

USR sportster modems no longer support the break key.  The courier =
modems do.
Hayes Accura modems (latest models) do not, Optima does.
Cardinal modems no longer do.
I am still wating to hear back from Multitech and  Boca.

This info was obtained by calling the tech support numbers of each =

Curt Brimacomb
System Manager                                          www.magiclink.com
Idaho Computer Services, Inc.                                   Voice:
Twin Falls, Idaho 83301                                         Fax: