Ok, so how do you change to digest mode?

>>> Art Bahrs <[log in to unmask]> 04/15 12:34 PM >>>

    Hey!  Don't unsubscribe!! Change to Digest Mode  and only get one or two
pieces a day!!!

Art "Lurking is so much fun!" Bahrs

>>> Larry Crouch <[log in to unmask]> 04/15/97 09:40am >>>
It has been great to sit on the sidelines and listen in to the list =
these last few months. I really do not wish to unsub but I'm afraid I =
will have to.
In a week we will be moving to a new building where I will not be in a =
secluded office but rather in an alcove. Our manager is one who views =
the Internet as nothing but playtime and porno.
So, until I can educate the 'good ole boys' in our upper management (or =
become more adept at list lurking) I will not be 'safe' going through 70 =
or 80 pieces of e-mail a day. :-(
What is my fault is that I have misplaced the unsub directions. Could =
someone please send me a copy?

Larry Crouch
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