Hi Lars,
   hmmm.... interesting question... I personally just tell people about this
listserv when I think that they will be interested :)

   As I am working now on a personal page I think just a reference to the HP
3000-l archive pages would be suffiencent (sp) ??

Art Bahrs
| Oregon Health Sciences Foundation         |The views here are no one's,  |
| Art Bahrs, Manager of Information Services|  least of all, mine!         |
| President, HP Oregon Regional Users Group (ORERUG)                       |
| And the men who hold high places must be the ones to start.              |
| [log in to unmask] 'The Professor' Work: (503) 220-8333 Fax: (503) 228-9588 |

I also tell 'em about ORERUG's Listserv as I think we have a great and useful
listserv for our members :) hehehehe :)
<<<< End of Plug - You are now returned to my regular diatribe hehe>>>>

>>> Lars Appel <[log in to unmask]> 04/20/97 04:52am >>>
Chad's posting reminded me of a slightly related question/situation:

I sometimes face the situation that I want to recommend HP3000-L to
some innocent soul who did not (yet) know about it and its value.
Ok, I do not only *want* to recommend HP3000-L, I actually *do* so.

What I would consider useful in such situations is a web page with a
short "What is HP3000-L, where did it originate, how does it work,
how do I subscribe, where are digests or archives and how does it
relate to the newsgroup comp.sys.hp.mpe?"...

I bet, such a web page exists. I just need a hint, where!

My current choices usually are Opus at UTC (but it does not yet know
about Raven) or the nice executive summaries at Interex (thx Bruce ;)
or some article from an HP Advisor (or alike) which also does not yet
know about Raven (but has been "patched" by me).

So, where is the "Ultimate HP3000-L Home/Ref Page"?
