In article <[log in to unmask]>, Lars Appel
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Hello all,
> this "request for ideas" is somewhat related to one of the items
> on the "POSIX Smoothing" list discussed at the not-yet-SIGPOS/iX
> meeting at IPROF...
> The current versions of Samba/iX require MPE-sytle logon info i.e.
> "USERNAME.ACCTNAME" and "userpass,acctpass" if you want to access
> the server shares as a "validated user" (opposed to guest identity
> that can be allowed in the config file).

For a long time I've had a (crazy?) idea: how about allowing
usernames (as synonym for HELLO [MYSESS,]MYUSER.MYACCT,[MYGROUP])
in MPE?  I envisage it as a MPE-level table where MYUSER.MYACCT
shoud be compulsory (of course) and the others optional.

So a person could login either as:

devel    (as synonym for HELLO WIZARD,DEVEL.NEWAPP)
joeuser  (as synonym for HELLO JOE,USER.OLDAPP)
boss     (as synonym for HELLO ADMIN.APP,STATS)

This would be a backwards-compatible way to make all kind to
interactions with other systems and persons (who usually don't
like to type so much) much easier (not only Samba).


Ferran Jorba
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
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