As far as I know LPR/LPD does not come with the operating system. <plug> NBSpool
offers two solutions to your problem.

1) The NBSpool LPR/LPD option for the 3000 will allow bi-directional

2) The NBSpool UNIX transport is a more robust Proprietary method also available
as a option.

For info contact
Quest Software
<end plug>

Stuart Smith
Quest Software

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: [HP3000-L] LPR for MPE
Author:  Steve Grose <[log in to unmask]> at Internet-Link
Date:    4/7/97 11:48 AM

Hello Everyone,

We have a HP3000 and HP9000 system. I would like to print to a printer =
on the 9000 system from my 3000. The only way I can think of is with =
LPR. I seem to remember seeing an LPR for MPE but can't remember where =
it was located. Any ideas? Any other methods to print to the 9000?


Steve Grose
[log in to unmask]

Contiental Managed Pharmacy Services