Ken Paul gives us another reason to worry about DATs:

>What was discovered after restoring a very large production
>database was that one of the DDS drives was changing bits
>as it was moving the data from the system to the tape.

WHAT !!!!....  Just when you think it's safe to go back in the
DDS water again....  arrggghhhh !!...

>Just because your DDS tape verifies as being good does not
>mean the data on the tape is any good.

Great.... So now what do those of us who are paranoid about
the reliability of our backups do (i.e.: probably most of us):
Go to DLT ??...  I suppose someone will say DLT has it's
own problems...

Any more info on the probability this may happen ??  Short
doing a massive bit-wise compare between what is on a DAT
and what is currently on disc, suppose there is no way to
check for this either.

>"ignorance is NOT bliss".

Especially if ignorance ends in the manner it did for the site
you mentioned....  ugh....

Ken Sletten