    We're having an interesting problem with our client server listener
process on the 3k:

After our listening daemon receives an accept() call for a new socket
connection request from a 16-bit windows client on its well known
listening port, if a new socket from a different client is requested on
the listener port, when we try and do a recv() on the original request,
the socket connection has been lost according to the errno we get back
from recv().   The error we often see from recv() when it returns a -1 is
"Connection has been reset by peer"; or,  when we get a zero receive
length back from recv(), hp tells us that this means the connection has
been lost.   We see differing results, which are likely determined by the
timing of when the second request is made.
To the best of our knowledge, this problem is only happening when the
server is an hp3000 and the client is a 16-bit windows application.
What we are trying to find out is if there is anything we should do
differently to handle almost simultaneous connections.
Rich Trapp
OMNIDEX Product Manager - IMAGE/SQL
Dynamic Information Systems Corporation
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