It is always nice to see that others in the industry notice us.

BTW, here is a plug for HP World '97:

Plan to attend this year, the dates:  August 23-28th, Chicago.  We have a
great program and I trust you will be impressed with the line-up of
speakers.  The call for registration should be coming out in the near
future, but do not wait for it to get your plans in gear.

As HP 3000 users, you will be well served with this year's program.  And do
not forget that this year is the 25th anniversary of the HP 3000, so 'nuff
said.  (Whoops, I may have let the cat peek out of the bag. Please
disregard the preceeding sentence.  I wanted to erase it, but the message
was sent before I could do it.)

I suspect we will also want to set up an HP3000-L lunch.  Is this correct?

Now I have to assign the rooms to all the presentations.  Let's see. . .,
who was naughty?  who was nice?  (Actually it is a lot more scientific than
that.  Now where are my darts?)

Denys "this is my last year as conference chair, and I am enjoying it"

Kind regards,

Denys. . .
[log in to unmask]
(800) 323-8863    (281) 288-7438    Fax: (281) 355-6879

From:   Tony Furnivall[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Wednesday, 26 March, 1997 9:39 PM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Big 3 conferences

I notice that Interex is now considered one of the Big 3 by Information
Week ;-)
Nice plug for HPWOrld in their daily e-mail publication.