In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:

> In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] says...
> >
> >At a seminar on security about a year or so ago, the speaker mentioned
> >that, in a (then) recent computer hacker lawsuit, the hacker was ACQUITTED
> >because, on the organization's computer, the word "Welcome" appeared in
> >the system's welcome message. That might be stretching things a bit from
> >our standpoint, yet that is exactly how the judge viewed it. So since we
> >don't want to find ourselves in the same position as the lawsuit's
> >organization, we've removed 'WELCOME' from all of our machines. Our
> >"welcome message" says simply:
> >
> >    ******************************************
> >    *                                        *
> >    *   Kansas City, Kansas Public Library   *
> >    *                                        *
> >    ******************************************
> >
> >
> I wonder, then, how they would interpret the word "Public" in your banner as
> well.
> --
> Mark Landin
> T. D. Williamson, Inc.
> UNIX Sys. Admin


"Public" is part of our organizational name. Just because we are a
"public" library does not give anyone license to hack into our computer
and destroy our programs, erase our disk drives or databases, etc., does
it? [Someone else asked me about a "Welcome" mat at my home. I don't have
one...on purpose.] I'd never deny someone the right to dial in and LOOK
at our catalog or come through our doors and look at or check out a book.
However, when it comes to tampering with someone elses property (defacing
the book, messing with the databases on the computers, injecting a virus
onto someone's computer system, etc., don't you think the line should be
drawn?? Perhaps you'd like a computer hacker to wreak havoc on YOUR
system, eh? I would not wish that on my worst enemy. I choose not to be
that immature.

 Cynthia D. Bridges-Fowler             Phone:  1-913 279-2361
 Computer Systems Supervisor
 Kansas City, Kansas Public Library      Fax:  1-913 551-3221
 625 Minnesota Avenue
 Kansas City, Kansas 66101-2805        email:  [log in to unmask]

             All opinions expressed are strictly personal.