Recently Frank Nagy posted a QUERY enhancement request
to the Interex sigimage-L reflector.  Dave Largent concurred in
another post to sigimage-L:

>> I have a QUERY enhancement request:
>> I would like a to see a completion bar or a running index in
>> the corner of the screen "100/1000" "200/1000", and or an
>> estimated time until completion.

>It never ceases to amaze me how many times I "put up" with
>something only to have someone later suggest it as an
>enhancement request!

First of all, thank you to Frank for the enhancement suggestion:
It's a goo idea;  consider it added to the next SIGIMAGE
Enhancement Request List.

With respect to posting of SIGIMAGE issues, after the above I
got some private email on where they should be sent:  Just
to 3000-L, the Interex sigimage-L reflector, or both ??  When this
question first came up a couple months ago there was an almost
unanimous consensus that Image / SIGIMAGE issues were
of interest to almost the entire readership of 3000-L.  Therefore
to avoid duplication of a lot of messages for most people, at that
time users were encouraged to post Image threads just to 3000-L.
There was in fact just one private dissenting "vote" at that time,
compared to a large number of public and private messages that
told me "keep it (Image) on 3000-L".

Hearing no outcry from the Image community for a change, the
above "encouragement" remains in effect....  BTW, please do
not take my saying that as chastisement for posting something
to sigimage-L;  we are happy to receive enhancement requests
from all sources, and I will of course continue to read everything
that comes across from sigimage-L.

But I think IPROF-97 confirms the assumption that HP 3000
users are overwhelmingly Image users:  At SIGIMAGE - IPROF,
at one point I counted 84 people in the meeting.  In that session
and also in SIGALLBASE (which was also relatively well
attended), I asked a question:

"How many people are NOT using TurboIMAGE or Image/SQL
at all (i.e.:  using only ALLBASE or ORACLE or etc. on the
3000, without Image) ??"   Answer:  ONE person (who I believe
was an ALLBASE tools vendor from Europe).  EVERYONE
else had some form of Image on their 3000.

Note that I am not trying to imply that 3000 users who do not
have Image should be ignored;  they should not.  Just that the
"set" of 3000 users is only very slightly larger than the "set" of
3000 Image users.  Therefore 3000-L still seems to be the most
appropriate forum for Image issues, without duplicating all of
those posts to sigimage-L.  The Interex reflectors are clearly
the right vehicle for many of the other SIGs whose focus is a
smaller percentage of the 3000 user base.

My $.25 worth,

Ken Sletten