In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:

> On Thu, 27 Feb 1997 15:11:19 -0500, Jeff Kell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> |I don't recall the details, and I've searched the archives off and on
> |all morning with no luck other than a message I had sent in Nov 1995:
> |
> |> Hmmm... someone not long ago (Guy Smith?) figured out a way with
> |> DTC-Manager to telnet to a DTC port and loop a cable over to an
> |> adjacent port as a quick and dirty way to get telnet access to the
> |> system.
> It turns out that I am one of the biggest information pack-rats in the known
> universe and had both of these messages in my mail folder (along with a
> bazillion others).  I hope this contains the info or pointers you need.

[from the better late than never files...]

Thanks to your diligence; per the attached note (I must've missed the first
time around) I've added the info to the FAQ.

> |At 03:35 PM 9/22/95 -0700, Michael Hensley wrote:
> |>Now, to pay "us" all back for the help, how about writing up the whole solut
> tion
> |>and submitting it for inclusion in the FAQ?  You'll be famous!
> |
> |Good idea Michael.  Here's some notes.  Hopefully the FAQ maintainer (Chris
> |Bartram?) will pick this up.
> |
> |Using Back-to-Back DTC ports to permit inbound telnet without a TAC
> |===================================================================

[snipped - but now included in HPFAQ; section 4.3.3.]

                  -Chris Bartram