In article <[log in to unmask]>, Jeff Vance
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hi all,
>I believe that
>postings sent to comp.sys.hp.mpe do *not* get automatically mirrored to our
>3000-L list.

>Jeff Vance, CSY

Not my belief, judging from the bounces I get from 'brain-dead Mailers'
- expression courtesy of Jeff Kell - telling me that my 'Email'
(actually a posting to comp.sys.hp.mpe which has been caught and
forwarded by the HP3000-L listserver) can't be delivered, when they
should be telling Jeff K.

If you are on HP3000-L and you can't read this, then Jeff Vance is
right, but you will never know.

Roy Brown               Phone : (01684) 291710     Fax : (01684) 291712
Affirm Ltd              Email : [log in to unmask]
The Great Barn, Mill St 'Have nothing on your systems that you do not
TEWKESBURY GL20 5SB (UK) know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.'