We are currently running two HP3000's and a Mainframe, with a Sun UE6000
coming in soon and possibly an HP9000 in the future.  We are looking at
making some organizational changes to better manage these systems,  from
both an operations and a technical support perspective.  Some of the
questions I have are:

1.)  Do most shops have an operations staff that is trained on all
platforms and can they support them equally well?

2.)  Of those shops who operate as described in #1 above do you feel it is
successful, or have you had to separate the systems at some point and
manage each individually or in separate groups.

3.)  What type of learning curve can one expect if all operators are
trained on all platforms?

4.)  Is there anyone who manages all platforms individually,  or with
minimal cross platform support?  If so how has this worked for you?

5.)  Do you apply the same system management principles to the HP3000 as
you would with a Mainframe?  If so, has this presented a problem since the
HP3000 is so much easier to manage?

Your feedback is greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance for taking the
time to read this.