hello all!

got my first network printer configured and running (yeah!)  but this
brave new world (:-) has me asking:

in the past, i've always designed my printer file equations to look
like:  file lp;dev=lp   not:  ...;dev=6  (or some number...)  and have
always found this to be 'a good thing' :-)  the following is from

 LDEV:    40  DEVNAME: RCLP               OUTDEV:        0   MODE:  OS

   ID: HPTCPJD                          RSIZE:        66   DEVTYPE: PP

 PATH: NONE                               MPETYPE:      32

i (incorrectly) put 'rclp' in devname thinking that my file equation
for this printer would be:  file rclp;dev=rclp   but the system comes
back with 'unknown device class' and so i'm using: '...;dev=40'.
is this just how it is with network printers?  can 'class' be changed?

my other question is about those pesky 'env' files.  i've got a couple
of files defined thru ttutil but i keep seeing all those 'penv' in the
hpenv group and wondering just what they are, if i can use them, if i
can 'look' at them (with something like a ttutil), if i can design my
own, if i should just leave well enough alone (:-)

thanks       - donna