Place Reflections in the Windows startup group and have it initiate the RBS
file.  Inside the SUB MAIN of  the RBS file, do the following.
      With Application
         select case hour(now())
          case 5
              code for logon on
              code for transferring
              .Wait "1:1:0"
          case else
             .Wait "0:0:10"
         end select
     end with
end sub

This will allow the PC to set idle until time to logon.  When finished with
the transfer it wait until the next morning.  The PC will restart
Reflections if a power loss occurs.  Note, You can transfer directly from
the 3000 to the server in one step.  I will send you a copy of the program
it you will contact me off line.

roger          [log in to unmask]
From: owner-hp3000-l
To: HP3000-L
Subject: Reflection
Date: Thursday, February 13, 1997 3:20PM

Can I set up Reflection to automatically do file transfers at
five in the morning from our HP3000 to our Netware file server?
