You might check for ACD's - LISTF udc_file,-2.  MPE/ix 5.0 through PP
     6 will sometimes add an ACD pair [log in to unmask]@ : RACD'... Reason is unknown to
     me..  We've had them show up on device files, MPE files, and Image
     'GB' files.  They are sometimes removable but we have also had to add
     another pair to make the files available.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: still a udc problem
Author:  Terry Prime <[log in to unmask]> at Internet-Gateway
Date:    2/11/97 5:15 PM

MPE 5.0 powerpatch 4.

I set the file UDCFILE.GEN.SYS as :-
        READ    :AC
        WRITE   :AC
        APPEND  :AC
        LOCK    :ANY
        EXECUTE :ANY

I set the group GEN.SYS as :-
        READ    :GU
        WRITE   :GU
        APPEND  :GU
        LOCK    :ANY
        EXECUTE :ANY
        SAVE    :GU

The account SYS is :-
        READ    :ANY
        WRITE   :AC
        APPEND  :AC
        LOCK    :ANY
        EXECUTE :ANY

According to the information I was given, this is all that is needed for a
user to be able to read/access the UDC.  Unfortunately not - it did not
work, the UDC could still not be accessed while it was secure.
No wonder I am going bald!!!!!!!

regards  ...  Terry
     Terry Prime
     Client Services Officer
     Queensland University of Technology
     phone: (07)38641784   fax (07)38641343
     Internet:[log in to unmask]

     What i have said is my opinion and does not reflect the
     opinion of my employer or co-workers