We also use the construct that Steve describes below. Not very efficient on
large datasets, but does work without problems*. So "It would help a lot if
you post the line(s) of code that you're using", as a FIND(SERIAL) with a
SORT is the easiest way to do it. You could also consider using a Third
Party Indexing product (we use Superdex) which (amongst other things) will
enable a FIND(CHAIN) on a master set producing sorted results.

* However, I swear there was once a program that when it performed a
FIND(SERIAL) on a master set would not process all the entries. At the time
I concluded that this could in theory happen, as a  serial read on a master
is actually simulated by the hashing algorithm, instead of simply reading
entries in chronological order. Comments anyone ?

Costas Anastassiades,
Information Systems and Internal Communications Dept

From:   Steve Dirickson b894 WestWin[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Πέμπτη, 30 Ιανουαρίου 1997 6:06 μμ
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Re: HP Transact Question

<<I am using Transact and VPLUS to maintain an on-line application.  A
client has requested that I build a screen to list entries from a Manual
Master - in sorted order. The only manuals I can find (Oct 87) state that
SORT is only allowed on the FIND verb. So, I have used the FIND(SERIAL)
with the SORT and PERFORM statements - the results displayed on the
screen are the list of entries, and they are not sorted. Are there any
Transact programmers left out there who might have a suggestion? (Other
than making the master a detail - tried that one, but the client said

It would help a lot if you post the line(s) of code that you're using.

Assuming that you're doing something like

and that the code at the 'perform' target just puts the data onto the
screen in the order it receives it, I can't think of anything that would
cause the data to not be sorted properly; we use exactly this construct
in a couple of places, and it works fine.
