John MacLerran ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Hi Everyone,

: I'm trying to find out if Allbase will support BLOBs (Binary Large
: OBjects). We need to be able to store digitized images (JPeg or GIF
: format) in a relational table for use in an ID-card system. I know that
: both support varbinary and long varbinary columns, but I don't know if
: that's the same as a BLOB or not.

: We have G1.13 on an HP3000 and F0.48 on our HP9000, but we will soon be
: upgrading that version to G1.13 (as soon as we get a valid installation
: codeword from HP).

: I'd be grateful for any information anyone has.
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:   John MacLerran, IT Systems Analyst                [log in to unmask]
:   Idaho State University                              (208) 236-2872
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Use a long varbinary.  We've been doing that for > 5 years
(compressed tarfiles of word processing documents containing
graphics).  Check the behavior if you exceed the max size - it
used to truncate which destroys your data - the constraint wasn't

Dan Mercer
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