Hi everybody,

I have a 2345A DTC hooked to a 922LX, using a Host based configuration.
Recently, we added a modem on a DTC port, using an HP92219Q cable on a
Modem (25 pins) port on that DTC.  The card is configured as a modem one
and the port itself is configured with 9600 bauds, US Modem and
Speed/parity sensing.  The modem is a GVC 14.4kbps and is (I think)
correctly configured to handle XON/XOFF stuff.  I can logon and work during
hours and everything is fine.  The only problem is when we don't use the
modem:  Every 30 seconds, the DTR led turns off for around 5 seconds and
then comes back.  The DTR is never dropped when connected, only when idle.
The annoying thing is that it sometimes happen when we try to logon...

Does someone have an answer on that one ?


Denis St-Amand ([log in to unmask])
If you look at the stars at night, and you see one moving much
faster than all the others, You know who is driving it !!!
                     Remember Ayrton Senna da Silva, 1960-1994