Hi Alfredo,
     I couldn't agree with you more!!!  (and yes the spiffy pit crew jackets
were nice!  How do I get one?? hehehe)

    I am constantly amazed at the lack of knowledge in the industry about what
the HP 3000 can do and interface with!!!!

    I had a consultant in here to talk about a request for bid I was about to
put out for some work on the HP 3000 series 957 I run here....and was surprized
and very worried when he stated that "the 3000 is a dead machine, it can't even
do web stuff"!!!!

     I immediately pulled up Netscape and visited a site or two that I knew to
be housed on HP 3000's!!!!

     Needless, to say that he did not get the contract as he knew so little
about the capabilities of the 3000!

Art "now where did I get this Soapbox from?" Bahrs
| Oregon Health Sciences Foundation         |The views here are no one's,  |
| Art Bahrs, Manager of Information Services|  least of all, mine!         |
| President, HP Oregon Regional Users Group (ORERUG)                       |
| And the men who hold high places must be the ones to start.              |
| [log in to unmask] 'The Professor' Work: (503) 220-8333 Fax: (503) 228-9588 |

>>> "F. Alfredo Rego" <[log in to unmask]> 01/08/97 04:11am >>>
Jeff Vance <[log in to unmask]> wrote on HP3000-L:

>Hi all,
>I just want to let you know that we have added to jazz some pictures of the
>December "Internet World" conference held in NY.  See
>   http://jazz.external.hp.com/newjazz/shows/
>or follow "Worldwide events..." -> "CSY and the HP3000..." from our
>home page (jazz.external.hp.com).
>Jeff Vance, CSY

Nice!  I liked the green sign with "Open Market WebServer & Java for the
HP3000" (and, of course, the spiffy HP pit crew jackets!)

Being an "Internet World" conference, it's appropriate to stress the
"interface" aspects of the HP3000 (i.e., the features that "link" the
HP3000 to the outside world, such as its support for TCP/IP, which is
required for "Open Market WebServer & Java for the HP3000", among other
items of interest).

In addition, it's very important to (subtly?) mention WHY it's worthwhile
to have the HP3000 linked to the outside world at all.  I'll show my
(subtle?) bias by suggesting that THE reason is the HP3000's sui-generis
database management system, IMAGE/SQL.

In particular, it's VITAL to mention the dual nature of IMAGE, which allows
"standard" access via SQL, ODBC, and so on, as well as "screamingly fast"
access via its intrinsics (DBGET, DBPUT, DBUPDATE, and so on).  As far as I
know, there are many pending requests for common SQL-only DBMSs to provide
such "screamingly fast" access -- and ZERO actual implementations for such
ordinary DBMSs.  HP leads the industry in this respect.  I strongly believe
that HP should tout its own horn as loudly as possible regarding IMAGE.

I am also sending this message (as a good omen for the new year) to my
fellow members of the SIGIMAGE Executive Committee and to Harry Sterling,
General Manager of CSY (who should be very proud of CSY's presence at the
Internet World conference).

Good job, HP!  All we have to do now is run with the ball and score a
victory.  This is our communal responsibility.

|               |
|               |
|            r  |  Alfredo                     [log in to unmask]
|          e    |                           http://www.adager.com
|        g      |  F. Alfredo Rego               Tel 208 726-9100
|      a        |  Manager, Theoretical Group    Fax 208 726-2822
|    d          |  Adager Corporation
|  A            |  Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000            U.S.A.
|               |