OK, the plan to implement private volume sets on an active system is as

*    Do a full volume backup of my system with the following command:

     !   STORE @[log in to unmask]@;;&

*    Then I will use VOLUTIL to create a new volume set and to add members
to it accordingly.

*    Next I will use BULDACCT to create job streams to migrate accounts to
the new volume set.

*    Naturally, I will then stream the BULDJOB1.

*    Take the system down and do a RELOAD from the Back-up created above.

*    Stream the BULDJOB2 to reset UDCs.

     So can anybody that has gone through this process please review this
and let me know what I have missed?  It would be greatly appreciated.

   Jon Backus
   HP System Manager
   AB&C Group