SW Consulting, Inc. is a computer consulting company currently seeking a Sales
/ Marketing Representative to assist in developing and servicing new and
existing accounts. Qualified applicants will have 1 - 3 years' proven track
record in sales with the energy, motivation and experience to join a fast
growing company. The ideal candidate will have experience in selling IT
services to corporate accounts throughout the US.  Individual must be
dependable, self motivated and have an entrepreneurial spirit. We offer a
competitive base salary plus commission and bonuses as well as a comprehensive
benefits package, including a 401(k) plan.  If you are interested in joining
SW Consulting, Inc., please send a resume and cover letter with salary
requirements to:

SW Consulting, Inc.
13180 N. Cleveland Ave.
Suite 112
N. Ft. Myers, Florida  33903

Phone:  800-494-4977
Fax:    941-997-0456