Fred and Barney each have about one hundred spool files on them. These
should be routinely purged; for now, keeping files for one week is
probably about right, and the operators or a self-scheduling job stream
could clean up anything older each day.

From last week:
Matt referred to taking down the network during nightly backup. Please
clarify that you are referring to taking down network services (NS) so
that no users are logged on and locking files (since locked files cannot
be backed up). I want to be sure that you are not referring to
performing a restart on the 3Ks.

From week 45:
I noticed that GlanceXL is installed, but not to the right group: it is
in PUB instead of GLANCE, which makes it world readable and executable.
This is not good. There is also a UDC for running GlanceXL that should
be 'moved' (by RENAMEing the file to the same filename in the target
group), and cataloged just to those who need it.

Why was RESTORE ran  WED, NOV  6, 1996, 10:02 AM (note

We need local vt service on BARNEY, and NOT on FRED.
Local vt service has not been started. (CIERR 5036)
Remote hello failed. (CIERR 5082)
Remote command error. (CIERR 5402)

Can we get one of the Adager manuals?

TurboEdit demo is installed on BARNEY.
SMUDC.PUB.SYSMGR cataloged only to user MGR.SYSMGR.