I'm on MPE/ix 5.0 running Perl 5.001 as my CGI scripting language to the NCSA
server.  Here are some questions that I am having that I haven't figured out.

1.      When running a script, I am having perl print the <PRE> tag before I
call a MPE command via the 'system' command, then I print a </PRE> after the
program runs.  What I get is this:

MPE program output.

Why is it doing the system call to the ci first, then my two prints after?

2.      Is there a way to get this to work so that the commands that I tell the
script to run, will be run in the proper order?


Kevin Newman

ps. someone else asked if the NCSA server crashes when using cgi scripts. I
haven't crashed it yet, and hopefully I won't either.  ;-)
(I think that the problem might have been his re-direction of $null into a
program when he was actually trying to get rid of the END OF PROGRAM at the end)